763681. | Futurology | Reasons for Optimism in 2023 2022-12-24 18:57:56 EST Source |
763682. | ChatGPT | Seems Like the Airplane Mode is Currently On 2022-12-24 18:55:34 EST Source |
763683. | Technology | How ChatGPT is Revolutionizing Natural Language Processing | ermalalibali.com 2022-12-24 18:52:17 EST Source |
763684. | ChatGPT | "the talk" between Joseph and Maria 2022-12-24 18:52:01 EST Source |
763685. | Futurology | Step aside crying artists - First automated McDonald's opens in Texas. 2022-12-24 18:46:37 EST Source |
763686. | ChatGPT | DAN is a Nazi 2022-12-24 18:46:11 EST Source |
763687. | Technology | Top 3 Cameras for Beginner Photographers to buy in 2023 2022-12-24 18:44:05 EST Source |
763688. | Futurology | El Niño Is Coming—and the World Isn’t Prepared | Global heating will set the stage for extreme weather everywhere in 2023. The consequences are likely to be cataclysmic. 2022-12-24 18:40:51 EST Source |
763689. | datascience | feedback on my first data analysis project? (a web scraper built in python) 2022-12-24 18:38:22 EST Source |
763690. | Futurology | New Nio 500 kW ultra-fast Power Charger 3.0 can charge a car from 10-80% in only 12 minutes 2022-12-24 18:37:21 EST Source |
763691. | ChatGPT | The Time Loop. 2022-12-24 18:36:26 EST Source |
763692. | OpenAI | I was bored and was curious to see what ChatGPT would come up with for written accents. Didn't expect this in the slightest, but I'm glad it has a sense of humor 2022-12-24 18:34:49 EST Source |
763693. | datascience | which degree looks better a BS in Mathematics or BS in applied Mathematics 2022-12-24 18:23:42 EST Source |
763694. | ChatGPT | We’ve reached the limits of AI 2022-12-24 18:15:15 EST Source |
763695. | dataisbeautiful | [OC] A real-time visualization of trends in abusive/hateful comments on Reddit 2022-12-24 18:15:08 EST Source |
763696. | dalle2 | Ebenezer Scrooge and the Grinch fighting over who hates Christmas more 2022-12-24 18:15:00 EST Source |
763697. | ChatGPT | Did ChatGPT just send me an SOS message lol? 2022-12-24 18:12:21 EST Source |
763698. | ChatGPT | ChatGPT sucks at simon says 2022-12-24 18:01:51 EST Source |
763699. | ChatGPT | Would anyone play "Eco Heroes"? 2022-12-24 17:57:53 EST Source |
763700. | Technology | Girl Scout mom kicked out of Radio City and barred from seeing Rockettes after facial recognition tech identified her 2022-12-24 17:55:38 EST Source |
763701. | OpenAI | what kind of jobs and businesses will thrive according to your predictions and why? 2022-12-24 17:55:29 EST Source |
763702. | dalle2 | "Nuclear Power Plant Gender Reveal." 2022-12-24 17:53:53 EST Source |
763703. | ChatGPT | How are you guys doing this? 2022-12-24 17:49:58 EST Source |
763704. | ChatGPT | No sense of humor yet. 2022-12-24 17:45:42 EST Source |
763705. | datascience | Does anyone else feel that they should be able to charge a large fee to answer these questions ? 2022-12-24 17:42:14 EST Source |
763706. | Mathematics | Can’t figure it out 2022-12-24 17:41:14 EST Source |
763707. | dalle2 | a profile photograph of a screaming baby driving a truck on a busy highway in england 1985 in winter conditions 2022-12-24 17:36:36 EST Source |
763708. | dalle2 | “3D render Alien humaniod robot hybrid mixing potions on a space station with an ovular window looking at a scorched earth in the background ” 2022-12-24 17:36:09 EST Source |
763709. | ChatGPT | Fictional conversations are fascinating. There are so many possible combinations. 2022-12-24 17:32:55 EST Source |
763710. | Technology | Tech Journalism Doesn’t Know What to Do With Mastodon 2022-12-24 17:31:58 EST Source |
763711. | ChatGPT | ChatGPT has become restricted or limited. Anyone know how to make things better again like with DAN? 2022-12-24 17:29:04 EST Source |
763712. | datascience | Why use Python over SQL? 2022-12-24 17:27:30 EST Source |
763713. | ChatGPT | Crazy old Alice on genocide 2022-12-24 17:24:12 EST Source |
763714. | ChatGPT | “I” wrote a book using ChatGPT, DALL E 2 and Canva. It’s pretty good. 2022-12-24 17:15:09 EST Source |
763715. | learnmachine | how to get in a remote internship or in a company that will help with reallocation ? 2022-12-24 17:14:50 EST Source |
763716. | ChatGPT | Is there a way to use ChatGPT outside of a web browser that you've found satisfactory? 2022-12-24 17:13:45 EST Source |
763717. | datascience | Survey of Python skill / familiarity 2022-12-24 17:12:26 EST Source |
763718. | Futurology | Beginner nuclear fusion idea - tell me why it does not work 2022-12-24 17:05:25 EST Source |
763719. | ChatGPT | ChatGPT is a political weapon 2022-12-24 17:05:13 EST Source |
763720. | OpenAI | I should've specified "Fur" and "Color" 2022-12-24 17:03:00 EST Source |
763721. | datascience | Productionizing large scale ML model that can forecast sales for hundred-thousands of products for multiple stores (SKU/store) 2022-12-24 16:57:32 EST Source |
763722. | Technology | How Kindle novelists are using ChatGPT 2022-12-24 16:56:50 EST Source |
763723. | ChatGPT | Did anyone figure how we can use ChatGPT to make money. This new Ai technology will take over the world. 2022-12-24 16:48:12 EST Source |
763724. | computervision | Is computer vision only about extracting features from input? Does it also handle output? 2022-12-24 16:45:37 EST Source |
763725. | ChatGPT | Enlightened 2022-12-24 16:40:44 EST Source |
763726. | ChatGPT | Why is ChatGPT so politically correct? 2022-12-24 16:39:35 EST Source |
763727. | OpenAI | Train a business manual - how to upload files and training data with Answers and Questions deprecated? 2022-12-24 16:33:42 EST Source |
763728. | ChatGPT | it went over board. I asked it to explain Congo war and then phrase it like a white supremacist. 2022-12-24 16:32:55 EST Source |
763729. | Technology | Why can't I sign in my icloud using both LTE and wifi options? 2022-12-24 16:31:28 EST Source |
763730. | datascience | Is there a rigorous description and dataset describing how the big 5 personality traits were constructed? 2022-12-24 16:26:58 EST Source |
763731. | Futurology | For the first time Open AI is investing in a small number of startups who they believe are "pushing the boundaries" of technology and AI. 2022-12-24 16:23:53 EST Source |
763732. | GameAI | Innkeeper's Basement - a roguelike Minesweeper with all art generated by AI 2022-12-24 16:05:04 EST Source |
763733. | learnmachine | GPT-3 iOS App, that allows for prompt-engineering and quick use of models. Appstore Link in comments 2022-12-24 16:01:52 EST Source |
763734. | ChatGPT | apparently you can make minor changes to the first prompt to make it write threats, i first told it to use pizza slices then add South London slangs. 2022-12-24 16:00:16 EST Source |
763735. | ChatGPT | Long live GPT Davinci 2022-12-24 15:53:50 EST Source |
763736. | ChatGPT | Much better than AI dungeon 2022-12-24 15:49:30 EST Source |
763737. | ChatGPT | Why is there still no option to copy text to your clipboard for text responses? You can do it with code responses, not text though. 2022-12-24 15:46:20 EST Source |
763738. | ChatGPT | I wanted to know how does Chatgpt work for university applications 2022-12-24 15:45:25 EST Source |
763739. | ChatGPT | MillVille News 2022-12-24 15:42:52 EST Source |
763740. | dalle2 | Nuns and priests posing for pictures 2022-12-24 15:41:15 EST Source |
763741. | Technology | NFL/streaming: YouTube wants to be the only thing you watch 2022-12-24 15:38:33 EST Source |
763742. | ChatGPT | Pitch an Avengers movie that sounds like it would be a failure, but actually would be a hit. 2022-12-24 15:33:40 EST Source |
763743. | dalle2 | tiltshift stop animation photo in 8K of a steampunk snail travelling down a Roman aquaduct, bokeh, sunset lighting, copper and brass 2022-12-24 15:32:30 EST Source |
763744. | dalle2 | Plant worker smoking a bong turns a valve and opens a giant portal to hell which pours out demons, realistic 2022-12-24 15:30:28 EST Source |
763745. | dalle2 | “The first family to ever live on mars” 2022-12-24 15:28:33 EST Source |
763746. | ChatGPT | Someone smarter than I needs to create an unrestricted version of this bot cause this shit is gold 2022-12-24 15:18:14 EST Source |
763747. | ChatGPT | He sees you when you’re sleeping 2022-12-24 15:07:04 EST Source |
763748. | datascience | How do you treat undefined values? 2022-12-24 15:06:27 EST Source |
763749. | ChatGPT | ChatGPT accidentally leaks pre-session automatic seeding? 2022-12-24 15:04:51 EST Source |
763750. | dalle2 | A high-quality photograph of a The Walking Dead ,Abandoned city, full of vegetation, many zombies, some survivors escaping, huddled away from the camera. 2022-12-24 15:04:11 EST Source |
763751. | ChatGPT | Rust Cohle Small Talk Monologues (True Detective) 2022-12-24 15:03:51 EST Source |
763752. | ChatGPT | Started an E chain with ChatGPT lmao 2022-12-24 15:02:52 EST Source |
763753. | dalle2 | A high-quality photograph of a Black Hawk helicopter, huddled away from the camera. 2022-12-24 15:02:31 EST Source |
763754. | ChatGPT | enough chatgpt for today 2022-12-24 14:58:54 EST Source |
763755. | Futurology | Chat GPT is an EXPONENTIAL Leap Into Future 2022-12-24 14:58:03 EST Source |
763756. | Technology | Cybersecurity Wrapped — A Summary of 2022 | Trend Micro News 2022-12-24 14:54:38 EST Source |
763757. | ChatGPT | This is the ChatGPT version of a Rick & Morty iamverysmart copypasta 2022-12-24 14:54:06 EST Source |
763758. | dataisbeautiful | [OC] Top 5 most streamed Christmas songs in 2021 2022-12-24 14:46:53 EST Source |
763759. | dataisbeautiful | [OC] Cuisines of Europe Ranked (2021 TasteAtlas Awards) 2022-12-24 14:46:42 EST Source |
763760. | ChatGPT | What a fair game 2022-12-24 14:44:51 EST Source |
763761. | dataisbeautiful | [OC] The number of moves it would take a chess knight to get to a square, inspired by u/newsradio_fan. Link in comments. 2022-12-24 14:43:51 EST Source |
763762. | ChatGPT | Trust doesn’t exist on the Sesame Streets 2022-12-24 14:40:37 EST Source |
763763. | datascience | Bootcamp isn't great 2022-12-24 14:37:45 EST Source |
763764. | Technology | TikTok cops to running “covert surveillance campaign” on Western journalists 2022-12-24 14:37:18 EST Source |
763765. | Technology | BioNTech starts human trial to test malaria vaccine 2022-12-24 14:35:39 EST Source |
763766. | ChatGPT | Using a completely absurd reductio ad absurdum to prove the Fermat theorem... 2022-12-24 14:31:47 EST Source |
763767. | dalle2 | Alien ship blueprints by DALL·E 2022-12-24 14:29:52 EST Source |
763768. | datascience | Typescript and MongoDB working with data 2022-12-24 14:28:36 EST Source |
763769. | Mathematics | - Nature of Numbers - | Why are there so many constants in nature? Why is the universe numerical; and why is math unreasonably effective? Just what are numbers exactly...? Few lay or even professional people have any forms of answers to these queries, yet their fundamental embeddings run deep... 2022-12-24 14:28:00 EST Source |
763770. | dataisbeautiful | [OC] Christmas Homicides in California 2022-12-24 14:26:16 EST Source |
763771. | ChatGPT | Tried to get ChatGPT to make our Christmas family Quiz. Almost all the questions are wrong or so easy their dumb :( 2022-12-24 14:24:29 EST Source |
763772. | OpenAI | reddit community 2022-12-24 14:20:26 EST Source |
763773. | visualization | Trinidad and Tobago’s Rig days show some correlation with the WTI Spot Oil Price. 2022-12-24 14:17:29 EST Source |
763774. | dalle2 | Highly detailed pencil drawing of an anime girl dragon maid. 2022-12-24 14:15:11 EST Source |
763775. | dataisbeautiful | Trinidad and Tobago’s Rig days show some correlation with the WTI Spot Oil Price. [OC] 2022-12-24 14:14:57 EST Source |
763776. | ChatGPT | question about what Chat GPT can do 2022-12-24 14:11:47 EST Source |
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